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A Beginner's Guide to Preserving Timber

Preserving timber in its good condition is closely related to increasing its lifetime. This is also closely related to improving its colour, shade, appearance and purpose, so preserving it regularly and with the right tools and products is crucial for keeping it in perfect condition.

Preserving it regularly also contributes to its resistance to a range of different elements like moisture, weathering and insects. So, in order to avoid your wood being attacked by fungi and insects, it would be great to preserve it properly and carefully.

What Is a Wood Preservative?a person applying wood preservatives on a wooden deck

Generally speaking, wood preservatives are essential tools used for preserving the wood's condition. Generally speaking, wood preservatives come in a liquid form and are designed to be applied to wood for an extra layer of protection. They are great for protecting the wood from weathering and from the elements which can cause quite damage.

When in the search for the right type, make sure the chosen one is able to cover a large area in no time while also offering the utmost protection from harmful elements and chemicals. The chosen types should be quality and durable and able to enhance the wood's strength and durability. It should be resistant to rot and fire and should not get easily influenced by heat and even light. It would be great if the chosen preservative for wood has anti-corrosion properties and is without any significant bad odour. All in all, these preservatives should be able to improve the wood's condition.

Types of Preservatives for Wood


This is maybe one of the most commonly used types of preservatives used for treating wood. Also known as tar preservatives, they are thicker and need to be heated to obtain a lighter form for easier application. Once heated, they are meant to be applied onto the wood with the help of a brush to enhance its durability, water and fire resistance.

Aside from this, oil paints are also used as a chemical for protecting wood mainly from moisture. In order to provide the wood with the utmost protection, you will need to apply at least three layers. An important thing to know about these paints is that they should be applied only on well-dried wood to prevent decay.

The last thing with which you can protect your wood is with creosote oil which is produced from the purification of coal tar. It has a dark brown almost black colour and it is usually less thick than tar and is mainly applied to well-seasoned wood to improve its protection against water, termites and other things. It is a non-corrosive type of protector that has a slightly unpleasant odour. Just like the other oil-based preservatives, this one also doesn't allow for paint to be applied over it.


There are several types of them from which you can choose, so going over them will give you a clearer picture of which one is the best for your needs.

Chemical salts a mainly used for preserving wood in its perfect condition and to enhance its strength. They are dissolved in water in order to be applied onto the wood and create the perfect barrier against insects, water and fire. The most common ingredients used in it for preserving the wood's protection are mercury chloride, copper sulphate and zinc chloride.

ASCU is a water-soluble preservative that comes in the form of powder. In order to be used, you should mix it with water in a 6:10 ratio ASCU: water and then apply it on the wood's surface.

Solignum Paints

The last but not least solution is the solignum paints which are a chemical-based wood preservative. It comes in termiticides and decorative coatings or even in paint form which is designed to be applied to the wood. Once applied, they can provide the needed protection against a wide range of insects but mainly of white ants. The greatest benefit of this preservative is that thanks to its huge colour option, you can enhance the wood's appearance.

As you can see, the choice of preservatives for wood is huge, and the type you choose should mainly depend on your needs. Applying them is super easy as there is a huge range of choices that depend on the chosen preservative. Generally speaking, you can apply it with the help of brushing, dipping and spraying. Ideally, they should be applied and even chosen by specialists as they know their job and can choose just the right preservative for the right wood.

When dealing with a professional, making a mistake is not an option since they know their job and will choose the right sealant. Of course, you can make the application on your own, but before doing anything and even choosing the sealant, please consult with a professional to make the right choice.